
June 17, 2023

I've made a correction to the derivation of the generalized fixed point combinator in Section 16.2.2, and also generated new torrent files and magnet links with updated tracker lists for both the book and the virtual machine image. Many thanks to Leanpub for continuing to host a copy of the book for free (although with no sign of a comments forum), but please be aware that I've made no arrangements to receive any payments from Leanpub despite implications to the contrary.

November 28, 2021

I'm no longer taking orders on line for printed copies of the book and have concluded the competition for a free copy, which nobody won. I have some remaining stock in storage. Contact me via the contact form if you think you have a use for it.

May 25, 2021

The book is now also downloadable from Leanpub, where there is supposedly also a section for comments. I've changed the mirror link to Leanpub on the Download page because it's easier for me to update it there if necessary than on Library Geneisis.

December 17, 2020

discussion of Sutherland and Ebergen's article "Computers Without Clocks" took place on Hacker News today.

November 16, 2020

The Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries (ALDL) has requested a printed copy of the book, which I've fulfilled. This agency operates on behalf of the Bodleian Library Oxford University, The Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland, National Library of Wales and Trinity College Dublin.

August 15, 2020

I fixed a typo on page 173.

August 4, 2020

I've been meaning to distribute the book's LaTeX source and assets for the benefit of anyone who wants to edit, remix, or print it in volume, but years of accumulated customizations to my environment have lately overcome my ability to work around the inevitable breakage introduced by each major TeX Live distribution update. (Not to disparage the work of the maintainers, I take full responsibility for tampering with forces I don't understand.) It looks as if the only way to typeset the book going forward will be inside this virtual machine image that replicates the last compatible version my LaTeX environment, never to be updated again unless some TeXpert figures out how to clean it up. The machine hosts a minimal Manjaro Linux desktop in VirtualBox format. The user account has no password and the root password is root. It's available through the torrent file linked above or this magnet link.

April 25, 2020

The latest video is now also posted on youtube. Comments there are welcome.

April 22, 2020

Slides and a video of my cancelled presentation to the British Computer Society are now on line. A minor error in section 8.5.3 of the book has come to my attention, so you may want to download the updated version.

March 30, 2020

My presentation to the British Computer Society was scheduled for the end of May but was cancelled due to coronavirus.  I'm preparing a video instead that will be posted here and on youtube. My grant application was unsuccessful. The assessors' feedback is here.

January 9, 2020

I've agreed to give a talk for the British Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science group. It will probably be in April or May but no date has been set. Watch this space. 

I've applied for an Innovate UK Smart Grant to develop software for DI circuit design and verification. Normally grant applications make boring reading, but I've posted an excerpt of mine here in case anyone wants a non-technical overview of the subject and my two cents about its potential impacts. (tl;dr The UK semiconductor sector is losing ground to the big boys and could do with some "game changing".)

November 26, 2019

Slides and videos in small, medium and large formats of the seminar at Imperial College from November 18 are now on line.

November 9, 2019

A recent announcement about the book on the asynchronous mailing list has attracted some interest and ongoing email correspondence, and this site is currently the top hit on for "delay insensitive circuits".  A couple of printed copies of the book have now found a home, one with the British Library and another at an American university. I'm scheduled to give a talk at Imperial college on November 18, for which I plan to post the slides and a video afterwards.